Today is the International Day of the Girl. A day when the girl’s rights are promoted around the world.
Product Development , Design , Spaces
Bring your garden indoor.
Design , Spaces
An exhibition curated by the design community SoLebIch Apartment.
Product Development , Design , Interview
Meet the designers and hear them present their news for 2020 (Video)
Product Development , Film , Spaces
Color Accent inspired by Karin & Carl Larsson
Design , Film
Worldwide local design production
News , Design
After twenty-seven years we dared to tweak a little.
Product Development , Design
Flip Table awarded table of the year by Plaza Interiör
News , Film
Bonsai room diffuser has a subtle scent of vibrant forest (Video)
Product Development , Design
Tableware specially made for the National Museum in Stockholm
News , Design
Have a look inside our news collection for 2019