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The secret behind how we successfully promoted Scandinavian design has its heart in our designer’s days. We have invited designers to showcase their proposals for the design classics of tomorrow in cities such as Paris, New York, Tokyo & Stockholm.

We discuss projects with experienced designers, far-reaching debutants, as well as with some of the cleverest minds in the industry, and specialists at production facilities around the world.

Gustav Halléns Arrow hanger in production. From an idea born on a sailing boat in the Baltic sea, to the Red Dot Design Award. Creating the design classics of tomorrow takes a lot of time and effort. When an idea finally is put into production, its the end of a long journey, but also the beginning of another.

Design House Stockholm is a publishing house for Scandinavian design, but our search for good ideas is global. From our point of view, the term ’Scandinavian’ refers to a philosophic and aesthetic perspective, rather than geography and nationality. Most of our designers are from Scandinavia, but also of Japanese, American & Thai origin.

We are right in the flow of creative ideas. We put the creatives, not the accountants, at the head of decision-making. We pick up the latest, still unclaimed designers directly from the design schools.
“I had hoped Anders would go for my extremely thin folding chair”, says Karl Malmvall, “but he kept asking me: ‘what do you have in that bag?’ and he fell in love wIth the Step ladder right away! ”