Today is the International Day of the Girl. A day when the girl’s rights are promoted around the world. This year we highlight the situation for girls on the move and their right to be heard.Luisa, Sarena, Naw Si, Mary, Karma, Gazal, Anna, Adriana, Leen, Claudia and Aye Aye are 11 of millions of girls on the move. Read their stories and support the initiative Pippi of today on pippioftoday.com
We are celebrating 75 years of the inspiring, super-strong, eternally nine-year-old Pippi Longstocking together with Save The Children. The anniversary cup is decorated with an orange pigtail handle, and a portion of each sale is donated to help refugee children all over the world. Pippi is the world’s bravest, strongest and most influential girl and she continues to inspire generations of freethinking individuals globally. Take world-renowned German artist Ann-Sofie Mutter: she has followed in the footsteps of Pippi in her own life and considers climate activist Greta Thunberg to be the Pippi of our era: true to herself and everyone, ready to take on ignorance and stupidity. Or Pipilotti Rist, whose artistic name and mission were inspired by the rebellious, innovative character. And of course, Michelle Obama: lawyer, writer, and former First Lady of the United States.